Referater fra distriksbestyrelsesmøder i skoleårtet 2023-2024 Dokumenter Referat af møde d. 22. august_0.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Referat af bestyrelsesmøde 230927.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Referat af møde d. 8. november- 2. udgave.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Skolebestyrelsesmøde mandag d. 4. december 2023.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Referat af bestyrelsesmøde d. 6. februar. .pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Referat af møde d. 10 april .pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Referat af mødet d. 16. maj.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Referat af bestyrelsesmøde - torsdag d. 19 juni 2024.pdf Shape Created with Sketch.